Presently, there is a diverse list of existing code references which could be interpreted to require seismic upgrades of existing structures, but without a clear path toward addressing the hazards, evaluation and retrofitting of existing buildings. When this comes to existing historic buildings and monuments, the topic becomes much more complex and challenging.
The problem of earthquake protection of historic buildings and monuments is radically different from that of other existing structures, due to the priority given to preservation of aesthetic, architectonic and historic values instead of keeping the structure operational. In providing the protection of these structures in a manner that requires the least intervention and the greatest care to preserve authenticity, the experts are permanently challenged by the fast development and the improved performance of new materials and techniques. However, the implementation of particular retrofitting methodology depends on the extent it has been investigated.
Within the frames of research activities of the Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology – IZIIS, in addition to seismic design of modern structures, particularly noteworthy is also the experience gathered in the field of protection of structures pertaining to the cultural historic heritage. During realization of important scientific research projects involving analytical and unique experimental investigation, extensive research activities have been performed for the purpose of developing of a procedure for seismic retrofitting of valuable historic monuments. The paper will present the integrated multidisciplinary approach to seismic protection of structures pertaining to cultural heritage that has been developed by the Institute and implemented in the process of seismic upgrading or reconstruction of important historic buildings and monuments in the country and beyond.
DOI | https://doi.org/10.5592/CO/1CroCEE.2021.97 |
Keywords | seismic retrofitting, historic buildings, monuments, analytical and experimental investigation |