22–24 Mar 2021
University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia
Europe/Zagreb timezone


Not scheduled
VP (University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia)


University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia

Kačićeva 26 10 000 Zagreb
Earthquake Risk Mitigation Policies and Management


The custom of laying out the foundation stone is a remnant of an ancient knowledge of importance of an auspicious beginning of the construction. Today, many key knowledges about building that brings a good luck to the occupants has been lost. Failure to build in proper way causes many troubles to the inhabitants.
Here we are presenting the basic knowledge of a restored science of the construction according to the Natural Laws - Maharishi Vastu architecture for Fortune Creating Homes. In the land of that knowledge - India - there are temples that remain undamaged for hundreds of years while nearby houses are collapsing due to the earthquakes.
Just as there are people who never or extremely rare get sick, one might say they are invincible, so there are invincible houses and settlements/cities, too. The invincible house or settlement means that it is bypassed by fires, hurricanes, floods, probably earthquakes, and the occupants are lucky, healthy & wealthy in everyday life since the house generates peace, order & harmony to its occupants. These Fortune creating homes are examples of the Meissner effect – invincibility - in architecture and building.

Keywords traditional, vastu, earthquakes
DOI https://doi.org/10.5592/CO/1CroCEE.2021.259

Primary authors

Zora Maštrović Marko Jambrek Ljubomir Miščević (professor at the Faculty of Architecture, vice-president of 'AKRAM') Zdravko Živković

Presentation materials