Out-of-plane wall failures was recognized as the most common form of earthquake damage to buildings that occurred during ML 5.5 earthquake that hit the City of Zagreb on Sunday, 22nd March 2020. In this paper, a typical residential building in city centre known as Lower Town is studied. Post-earthquake building survey showed that one gable wall partially failed, while damage on several other walls showed a tendency to separation with the possibility of overturning. In the numerical analysis, a linear and nonlinear procedure that are based on rigid body model and the method of virtual work is used. Requirements for spectral acceleration and spectral displacement are based on recommendations given in Italian regulation NTC2008. Peak ground acceleration recorded in Zagreb earthquake is used for the verification of the results.
DOI | https://doi.org/10.5592/CO/1CroCEE.2021.271 |
Keywords | unreinforced masonry, local mechanisms, linear model, nonlinear model |