The paper will present in more detail the experiences gained and lessons learned in using aerial imagery and satellite systems after earthquakes, which have proven practical in a pandemic working conditions, given that a remote sensing is remote by default. Also, the possibility of monitoring the development of the situation, obtaining a large amount of data in a wide area of interest in a very short time, reliability and comparative use in addition to existing databases and data collected from the field will be emphasized. The wide range of used sensors and systems contributed to the extremely fast preliminary assessment of the earthquake consequences in the entire affected area with the assessment of the residual risk of falling materials from buildings. These systems can be used in all phases of Civil Protection and the emphasis will be on the useful data for prevention and preparedness phases, as well as data used in the response and recovery phases. Lessons learned in the parallel use of in-situ field data, drone and satellite systems and their interconnection are increasingly becoming part of standard procedures within crisis management activities, thus providing a sufficient basis for quantitative risk assessment and further planning, as well as qualitative impact assessment, monitoring and creating a dynamic image of situational awareness using geospatial data in near real time.
Keywords | Potres, daljinska detekcija, krizni menadžment, reagiranje, pripravnost, situacijska svjesnost |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.5592/CO/1CroCEE.2021.214 |