The article presents the results of the research work "Certification of real estate objects of the city of Almaty for the purpose of their survey for earthquake resistance" carried out in 2017-2018 in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty is located in the zone of high seismic risk. The main purpose of the work is to obtain up-to-date data on the seismic vulnerability of buildings and structures of existing buildings, primarily residential and social facilities, which is an urgent task not only for Almaty, but also for all settlements located in earthquake-prone regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to the results of the work, up-to-date data were obtained and electronic passports were compiled for 10525 social and residential facilities. The results of the certification made it possible to identify earthquake-prone buildings, assign priority objects for their seismic reinforcement or demolition, determine the amount of costs for strengthening earthquake-prone buildings and demolishing dilapidated housing.
Keywords | earthquake, certification, survey, seismic safety, seismic reinforcement. |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.5592/CO/1CroCEE.2021.77 |