The common corrosion problem in conventional steel reinforcement induces a significant deterioration of the bridge pier’s yielding displacement and ductility. Superelastic shape memory alloy (SE-SMA) possesses a high corrosion resistance and retrievers its original shape upon load removal. The unique material properties attract the attention for structural design use. However, the yielding displacements of members reinforced with SE-SMA materials required an investigation to fully understand the material’s effect. In this paper, an extensive parametric study is performed to estimate the yielding displacement of bridge pier reinforced with SE-SMA rebars. The parametric study’s size is decided by varying the reinforced concrete (RC) section characteristics, including axial load ratio, pier diameter, aspect ratio, reinforcement ratio, and confinement coefficient. Results of this study proposed an approximate formula to estimate the yielding displacement of SE-SMA bridge piers.
Keywords | Pier bridge, shape memory alloy, yielding displacement, pushover analysis |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.5592/CO/1CroCEE.2021.8 |